Ceramic and Carbon Block Filters

Why Buy From St. Paul Mercantile?

  1. Lowest Prices on the Internet

  2. Same Quality Stainless Steel Filter Bodies as other major brands

  3. Our AquaCera brand ceramic and carbon filters are Made in America!

How To Choose a Water Filter

  1. Choose from our 3 sizes of filter bodies.  The charts on our Filter Bodies page provide specifications and recommended size for family size.  Add to your shopping cart.

  2. Pick the number and type of filters (ceramic or carbon block) for your filter body.  Your filter body will have 2, 4, or 6, representing the maximum number of filters that can be installed.  You do not need to fill all the holes with filters (we provide silicone plugs for any unused holes).  More installed filters = faster filtering of water. 

Which Filter type Should I Buy?

Choosing the right type of filter can be confusing, so please read about the various ceramic and carbon block filters AquaCera has to offer.  You have several choices.  Note that Aquacera is the name brand.  Within the brand, there are several models:

CeraGravPlus (also called Cera Grav or Cera Plus) is our standard filter that compares well with other national brands.  It is a .3 micron white ceramic candle that removes 99.99% to 100% of bacteria and also reduces concentrations of most common chemicals.  Available in 7" and 9" sizes.  This filter is comparable to most other brands of ceramic filters, such as Doulton and Berkefeld.  The ceramic exterior removes bacteria and living organisms, while the granular activated carbon inside the filter remove common chemicals such as chlorine and many other chemicals.  This filter does not remove significant percentages of fluoride or heavy metals, so if that is important to you, look at our CeraMetix models.

AquaMetix Technology is the latest technology for chemical removal.  It is a proprietary blend of activated carbons that do everything the standard candles do PLUS remove heavy metals and fluoride.  They do this WITHOUT requiring you to purchase expensive add-on filters that attach to the bottom of the main candle. 

Aquametix Technology is available in four of our filter models:

  1. CeraMetix Ceramic with granular AquaMetix Core (also called Aquametix or Cerametix GF) – This model has a ceramic shell with granular AquaMetix core.  It removes bacteria, living organisms, common chemicals, heavy metals and fluoride.  It is available in 7” and 9” lengths.
  2. CeraMetix Ceramic with Solid AquaMetix Core (also called AquaMetix or Cerametix AMB) – This model was previously called “AquaMetix” on my website.  It has a ceramic shell and a solid AquaMetix core which is simply a compressed version of the AquaMetix granular mix.  By compressing the mix into a solid block, chemical removal is further improved.  It removes bacteria, living organisms, common chemicals, heavy metals and fluoride.  It is available in 7” and 9” lengths.
  3. CeraMetix Imperial with Solid AquaMetix Core – The Imperial is a fatter version of the #2 candle described above.  Standard candles (#1 and #2) are 2” in diameter.  The Imperial is 2 ¾” in diameter so it has about 90% more surface area for faster water filtering.  One Imperial filter will process water almost as fast as two 2” filters.  Available in 7” length with solid AquaMetix core.
  4. AquaMetix GB filters are solid carbon block filters that use the proprietary AquaMetix carbon blend.  These do not have ceramic shells, so they are designed to be used by people who are on municipal water systems where the water is treated with chlorine before reaching your house.  They are less effective in removing bacteria, but they will remove all common chemicals plus heavy metals and fluoride.  Without a ceramic shell, they flow much faster than ceramic candles.  Length is 5”.

Link: FAQ Document about Ceramic Filters - Click Here

Link: >Lab Report - Chemicals Removed by AquaMetix - Click Here



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