Pressure Lantern and Parts

St. Paul Mercantile is the USA Distributor for the Butterfly Brand Kerosene Pressure Lantern #828 and parts. We carry most replacement parts for the Butterfly brand 826 and 828 Pressure lanterns.  We have the OEM Parts Kit (the packet that comes with a new lantern), plus a large parts kit that will keep your lantern running for many years.  We also sell mantles and replacement globes.

If you need a part for your lantern and it is not listed on the website, contact us.  We keep a few spare lanterns around just for parts, so we will do our best to meet your needs.

828-Lantern-Mega-KitButterfly1250(image for) Case of Six (6) Lanterns - $119 each, Save $300!

Case of Six (6) Lanterns - $119 each, Save $300!

QTY 6 (1 Case) - Butterfly Model 826/828 Pressurized Kerosene Lantern - Just $119 each, save $300 on a Case! ​ Want to light up the whole campground or pavillion? Maybe get some friends together for a group buy?  I have lots of lanterns...

828-Lantern12749(image for) Kerosene Pressure Lantern #828

Kerosene Pressure Lantern #828

Butterfly Model 826/828 Pressurized Kerosene Lantern The Butterfly pressure lantern is an extremely bright lantern that can light up a very large room. It is as bright as 3-4 100-watt light bulbs (using 500 CP mantles, available). They attain their...

828-MantlesButterfly9410.2(image for) Dozen 500CP Mantles

Dozen 500CP Mantles

One package containing 12 individually wrapped genuine Butterfly brand 500CP (candle power) mantles.  Note that Butterfly no longer manufacturers 350CP mantles and recommends the 500CP mantles for the 828 lantern.  Mantles are Slightly...

828-GMKButterfly731(image for) Globe & Dozen Mantles Kit (Save $3)

Globe & Dozen Mantles Kit (Save $3)

Save about $3 by purchasing a replacement glass globe and a dozen mantles together.

828-GlobeButterfly2701(image for) Replacement Globe

Replacement Globe

Genuine replacement globe for Butterfly brand pressure lanterns.  Also fits most other brands of pressure lanterns.  Butterfly sometimes sources these globes from Germany and other times from Japan, so the quality is always excellent....

828-FlatNeedleButterfly900.01(image for) Flat Needle for 828 Lantern

Flat Needle for 828 Lantern

The flat needle is extremely important to the operation of the #828 lantern.  As you turn the red knob, the needle is moved through the nipple at the top of the lantern, cleaning out any obstruction that may have lodged there.  One...

828-GaugeButterfly00.1(image for) Pressure Gauge Cap - Discontinued

Pressure Gauge Cap - Discontinued

This item has been discontinued by Butterfly.  It has been replaced by a filler cap with pressure release screw, but no gauge. If you order one, you will be charged $0 and will receive nothing. The new part is a cap with a rubber washer and air...
... more info
(image for) Sold Out
828-PumpButterfly2170.2(image for) Replacement Pump

Replacement Pump

This part includes all of the removable pump parts, including the red knob, steel threaded cap, rod and leather.  If you need to replace the entire pump unit, which includes the chrome tube that is soldered to the base, click on the...

828-NozzButterfly5320.1(image for) Ceramic Nozzle

Ceramic Nozzle

The nozzle distributes the vaporized kerosene throughout the mantle.  The mantles attach to the nozzle.  They are manufactured to withstand extreme temperatures, but if dropped or handled roughly, they will break.  

828-PPktButterfly1520.15(image for) OEM Parts Packet

OEM Parts Packet

Packet Includes: • 3 350cp Mantles • 1 Lantern Wrench • 1 Cleaning Pick • 1 Brass nut with nipple/jet • 1 Flat needle (cleans the nipple/jet) • 1 rubber washer for filler cap/guage • 1 rubber O-ring for pump •...

828-ExcenterButterfly2260.1(image for) Excenter (Brass Linkage)

Excenter (Brass Linkage)

Don't ask me why they call it an excenter.  I don't know.  It includes the red on/off knob, nut, plus the brass linkage for opening/closing the valve.

828-PumpCapButterfly4790.05(image for) Chrome Pump Chamber Cap

Chrome Pump Chamber Cap

This is the chrome cap that holds the pump in place so it stays centered while pumping. 